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Chess. White board with chess figures on it. Plan of battle.

Defending the major: Exploiting the workforce advantage of the psychology degree

Although the vast majority of students who declare majors in psychology claim that they aspire to continue their education in graduate school, the reality is that most psychology graduates will instead enter the workforce. The Center for Workforce Studies of the American Psychological Association estimates that approximately 73 percent of psychology majors will end up using the knowledge and skills they acquired in some kind of workforce job after graduation (Lin & Stamm, 2018).

Faculty’s role in preparing undergraduate psychology majors for the world of work

For many students graduation is a few months away. Unfortunately, chances are many of them haven’t taken the necessary steps to prepare for life after college. Of course, some of them will be on their way to graduate school. But what about the roughly 72 percent of students (National Association of Colleges and Employers, 2018) who will be directly entering the workforce?

Our Top 10 Blog Posts on Education and Psychology From 2018!

It’s hard to believe that 2019 is right around the corner. Our blog had another milestone year: we more than doubled the Psych Learning Curves’ traffic! From summer reading lists to talking about teacher burnout, our most popular topics are as diverse as our readers.

As a wrap up to 2018, I’d like to share with you our most popular posts and articles for the year. We look forward to bringing you more great content in 2019. Happy New Year to our readers and thank you for all your support!

4 Innovative Women Who Were Pioneers of Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Women have long been underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines. In 2015, women made up just 28% of the STEM workforce. One exception is industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology, the subdiscipline of psychology focused on the world of work. In this year’s U.S. News & World Report “Best Job” rankings, I-O psychology is the 21st Best STEM Job and the 2nd Best Science Job.

Incorporating I-O Psychology into Introductory Psychology

Interest in Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology, the psychology of the workplace, has gained a lot of traction in recent years. Unfortunately, even with increasing interest many Intro to Psychology students, especially non-psychology majors, rarely get exposed to this dynamic field. Why is this exposure important? First and foremost it broadens a student’s knowledge and understanding of psychology’s application in various contexts. This was the main reason I was drawn to I-O as an undergraduate. I attended a predominately business-oriented college and initially planned to major in economics and finance. That changed when I was introduced to I-O — the perfect marriage of my desire to major in business and my new-found interest in psychology. Secondly, understanding I-O can be extremely beneficial in navigating the world of work, an important skill for students who are starting their careers.

Using Your Psychology Degree For A Career Outside Academia

Recently, I was looking at numbers and trends in employment for psychology degree holders gathered in the 2015 National Survey of College Graduates (I know – I’m a data geek, and I embrace it). As you would expect, the most common occupation reported through the survey was either a faculty or a psychologist providing psychological services (and in some instances both).  Having been a graduate student and the director of a graduate training program, that wasn’t so surprising to me.