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What can you do with a bachelor’s degree in psychology? A Resource for Educators.

As faculty members, most of us “feel” the popularity of the psychology major, whether in an increase in our class sizes, the number of advisees we are assigned or an increase in the number of adjunct faculty hires. We know psychology is one of the most popular undergraduate majors in the U.S.; in the last year the data are available (2014-2015), 117,557 bachelor’s degrees in psychology were awarded (National Center for Education Statistics, 2017).

What can you do with a bachelor’s degree in psychology? Like this title, the actual answer is complicated

Stop me if you have already heard this one. Psychology is one of the most popular undergraduate majors in the U.S.; in the last year the data are available (2014-2015), 117,557 bachelor’s degrees in psychology were awarded. Said another way, in the past nine years, 1 million individuals received psychology baccalaureates (National Center for Education Statistics, 2017).