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Using technology to help students understand content and participate in metacognitive skills

Luckily for teachers who regularly use lectures to teach, we have many options to create engaging lectures for our students. No longer do we need to rely on embarrassing ourselves by singing and dancing to engage students. While I still sing and dance in my class, I’ve also added some interactive lecture tech tools for the days I can’t hit the high notes. Interactive lectures not only engage students with the content but allow teachers to collect data to check students learning and progress. 

Using Tech Tools in Your High School Psychology Classroom

As I write this post, I have a smile on my face because I just ended a class that included several “woos”, high-fives and screaming!  And, no it wasn’t because my heel broke in class and I landed flat on my face (I’ll reserve that story for an APA event so that I can fully act out my embarrassment).  The hooting and hollering came from the excitement students had while they played a review game on Quizlet Live.  As a teacher, I really enjoy experimenting with new tech tools in my classroom, even if it ends with me cursing under my breath at my computer after school. Through my adventures in experimenting with technology, I have learned a few lessons: