A guide to lecturing as a grad student

Many universities offer teaching assistantships or require graduate students to teach as part of their training. While lecturing opportunities are an excellent way to build professional skills, they can be daunting for those who lack prior teaching experience or feel nervous about public speaking. Here is some advice on how to prepare for and give a lecture to an undergraduate class, as well as how to set fair course policies.

Practicing Mindfulness to Combat Stress in Academia

Academics spend hours sitting at a desk, thinking deep thoughts on specific topic areas. And we are also planners, thinking ahead of our next research paper or lecture. And when we think back to our previous papers and lectures, we ask the questions what went well? What did not go well? Often, we worry. Will we get tenure? Will we get that grant?

For as much thinking as we do, we are rarely self-reflexive in the present. We rarely live in the current moment, which, for many reasons, is problematic.

Stressed about Work? Occupational Health Psychology Can Help

Think about someone you know who really loves their job. Now think about someone you know who is frequently stressed about their job and dreads going to work. Have you noticed that some jobs appear to be more stressful than others? Perhaps it’s due to working too many hours, a supervisor that’s hard to work for, or a lack of balance between work and life outside of work.